Sunday, August 31, 2014

Managing users in a web application

I am working at home on an exercise to create the skeleton of a commercial web site. Today I am working on the user management. One of the problems is how do you handle passwords. I have found these documents Storing passwords in Java web application and Jasypt: Java simplified encryption which explain me how to deal with this issue.

I have created a self-signed certificate for my application using this how to Create a Self Signed Certificate.

The examples here Main.scala and MySslConfiguration help me.

I am realizing that I can run as myself my application under port 443 on MacOS, because this is a UNIX like system. Changing the code to run under 8443.

Also I might need the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.

I was not immediately lucky with MySslConfiguration. I am now using the sample found on the email thread titled Spray-can 1.3.1 ssl error no cipher suites in common