Sunday, March 29, 2015

Jenkins Literate Plugin

Jenkins has a literate plugin allowing to configure projects based on a file at the root of the project. This blog post by Stephen Connolly titled Literate builds, WTF? gives more details.

What matters to me is that this plugin gives to developers the means to make Jenkins build a project differently depending on the branch. So I suppose that by using this literate plugin, one can support migrations where one moves from one build tool to another (say from Apache Ant to Apache Maven, or from Apache Maven to Gradle, ...) or where one moves from one JDK to another (say from JDK6 to JDK 8). Because with git it is possible to create a lot of branches very quickly one cannot really hope to have a buildmaster who is going to keep track of the ebb and flow of branches and make sure that all the branches which require JDK 8 will be configured in Jenkins to actually build with JDK 8.

Travis CI has the same functionality of adapting to the branch being built, because of the fact that Travis CI is using a travis.yml file. Uhhmm I have not tried it personally yet, but this is what reading the available documentation suggests.

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