Monday, November 4, 2013


I cannot really work without emacs. I am using emacs since about 1994 when a colleague introduced me to emacs. For me, the true meaning of emacs is "editore maximo" - the best editor. Anyway, today I was trying some scala code and got frustrated that I could not get out of :paste mode by typing Ctrl-D in my emacs 22. I just downloaded an emacs 24.x found on the railwaycat / emacs-mac-port|download page and this is great.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Play Framework

Learning to use the Play framework

I am trying to learn the Play framework today as a colleague recommended it.

I just installed play by typing brew install play on my Mac.

I just created a hello play project but I cannot import it directly in intellij.

I am being hit by the fact that the sbt plugin of IntelliJ does not support yet sbt 0.13. see

So one has to use the "com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.0.0" plugin and its gen-idea task to create the IntelliJ Idea module definition for a play application.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Learning Scala

Today, I am installing Scala 2.10.3 on my Mac at home.
I have also upgraded my IntelliJ Idea and installed the Scala IntelliJ plugin of JetBrains.
I want to read the code source of lift - the web framework - from inside IntelliJ.
Will install sbt too.
I am installing scala using brew, doing the same for sbt.
I am adding to IntelliJ the sbt-intellij-bin plugin

The sbt-intellij-bin plugin complains with a Resolve Error that it does not find the lift-common module dependency.

Let me try now the sbt-idea sbt plugin referenced by the Stack Overflow page "How to create SBT project with IntelliJ Idea ?"

Monday, May 20, 2013

Web tools to create graphs on line

I am looking at web tools to create graphs on line.

For instance : : implemented using HTML5. The Confluence plugin called diagramly was free until March 28th.


gliffy is now implemented using HTML 5.

creately  is implemented using Adobe Flex.


sample creately diagram

sample lucidchart diagram

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Updating tramp

I am updating tramp today for use inside my emacs and to access remote files on my server

I am following instructions here :

Since I have an emacs 24.x tramp works easily, out of the box.

Preparing a presentation about web frameworks

Today, I am preparing a presentation about web frameworks.

I am downloading tomcat 7.0.40 from

To learn about struts I am downloading a tutorial lesson1.war