Monday, May 20, 2013

Web tools to create graphs on line

I am looking at web tools to create graphs on line.

For instance : : implemented using HTML5. The Confluence plugin called diagramly was free until March 28th.


gliffy is now implemented using HTML 5.

creately  is implemented using Adobe Flex.


sample creately diagram

sample lucidchart diagram

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Updating tramp

I am updating tramp today for use inside my emacs and to access remote files on my server

I am following instructions here :

Since I have an emacs 24.x tramp works easily, out of the box.

Preparing a presentation about web frameworks

Today, I am preparing a presentation about web frameworks.

I am downloading tomcat 7.0.40 from

To learn about struts I am downloading a tutorial lesson1.war